What is an IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is essentially a variety of clearly identifiable electronic devices that are capable of recognizing some essential information and communicating it with another device on an Internet-based network. In other words, the term covers networked “smart” devices that are able to collect data thanks to built-in sensors. [1] This technology is evolving or spreading at an accelerating pace.

About us

Initially, we performed the IT tasks of a multinational company. Later, our business started from this, which aimed to address the IT problems in the agglomeration. In recent years, we have integrated all possible forms of IT operation into our profile. The biggest step came when we also moved from simple system operators to service providers. Today, we offer IT solutions and operation and maintenance specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises. For companies that need a suitable, stable IT background, but are uneconomical due to their size, hiring an IT staff is the solution. We are at your service!

We have also been able to increase our current coverage over the past year. We are currently able to manage quite a large area in the Heves and Borsod regions.

From January 1, 2022, our team will continue to operate within BG Mechatronik Bt.